The term self publishing is self explanatory, however, we don't mind breaking it down a little more for your understanding.
As an author who is looking to self-publish, you should educate yourself on a few things like what this process entails. Luckily for you, Google won't have to become your only source because we offer one-on-one assistance through the self-publishing process.
Here is what you can expect from our self-publishing service:
Editing, proofreading and formatting
how to file for copyright
cover design (if you don't have one already)
obtaining an ISBN number
uploading book to publishing platform of your choice
We have several self-publishing packages for you to choose from. Each package includes one of the above services and more.
Check them out for yourself! >>>>
A few pros of self-publishing is that YOU have 100% control of your work, your royalties and your marketing. You choose the design for your book cover to look and when you want to release it.
We provide all the services you will need to assist you on your self-publishing journey