Book Cover Request
What is included in this cover design?
- Front & Back cover with 1 image
- Spine
- Size of your choice
- Synopsis added to back of book
- Author photo (optional)
- Front Cover only 1 image
No refunds
There are no refunds for this item.
Terms & Conditions
All covers have a turnaround time of 24-48hrs. If more time is required for your book, you will be notified.
Once your request is received we will create a mockup with the information your provided. After you confirm that the mockup is satisfactory, we will add in the remaining info (i.e. title, author name, synopsis, etc.)
All covers will be allowed two (2) reworks. You will only be allowed to change the text and color of the book. Any change to images will be considered a new cover and you will have to pay the full price of a brand new cover.